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(Kardzhali-Bulgaria, 1952)

Professor of Art PhD, Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Fine Art

 He was born in 1952 in the Kardzhali region of Bulgaria.

 He started his painting studies at Cebel Technical High School between 1968-1972.

 He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Veliko Tarnovo University in 1981.

 He worked as a teacher between 1981-1984 and worked at the Cebel Artists Club, where he was the founder and director of the Painting Department.

 Between 1984-1986, he was arrested and exiled to Belene due to his opposition to the Bulgarian assimilation policy.

 Between 1986-1989, he worked in urban planning and recreation.

 He came to Turkey after being subjected to forced migration on 22 June 1989.  In the same year, he was appointed as an “Instructor” to Izmir Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department.

 He became “Assistant Professor” in 1996, “Associate Professor” in 2012 and “Professor” in the same institution in 2017.



1989- “Belene Portraits”, State Painting and Sculpture Gallery, Edirne.

1991- “Painting Exhibition”, State Painting and Sculpture Gallery, İzmir.

1991- “Painting Exhibition”, Gama Exhibition Hall, Ankara.

1994- “Painting – Sculpture Exhibition”, Çamkıran Art Gallery, İzmir.

1.“Painting Exhibition”, State Painting and Sculpture Gallery, İzmir.

2.“Painting Exhibition”, Mazhar Zorlu Art Gallery, Izmir.

1999- “Painting Exhibition”, İletişim Bookstore Art Gallery, İzmir.

2000– “Painting Exhibition”, Temizocak Art Gallery. Izmir

2001 – “Painting Exhibition” Görece Municipality Culture House, İzmir.

2004- “Painting Exhibition”, Gallery Akademist, İzmir

2004- “Inscription” Monument Sculpture Project, Studio Academic, İzmir


1998- İnciraltı Recreation Area “Victory Monument”, İzmir, 650x310x220 cm.


1999– 60th State Painting and Sculpture Competition Painting Achievement Award,Ankara/Turkey


1991- Group Painting Exhibition, State Painting and Sculpture Museum, İzmir.

1.Group Painting Exhibition, Çamkıran Art Gallery, İzmir.

2.Group Painting Exhibition, Arıcan Group of Companies, İzmir.

1993- Group Painting Exhibition, Vakko Art Gallery, Izmir.

1994- Group Painting Exhibition, Çamkıran Art Gallery, İzmir.

1994- Artist Teachers Painting Exhibition from Izmir, AKM, Izmir.

1994– 55th State Painting Exhibition, Ankara.

1995- Teaching Staff Group Painting Exhibition, İzmir.

   1.Group Painting Exhibition, Konak Art Gallery, Izmir.

   2. Group Painting Exhibition, Mazhar Zorlu Art Gallery, Izmir.

1997- “Great Exhibition” for the 74th Anniversary of the Republic, State Painting and Sculpture Museum, İzmir.

1998- Group Exhibition as part of the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the Republic, Turkish American Association, İzmir.

1998- International Plastic Arts Association, İzmir Branch Exhibition, State Painting and Sculpture Museum, İzmir.

1999- DYO Painting Competition, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir.

1999– State Painting Competition, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir.

1999- Group Painting Exhibition, Mazhar Zorlu Art Gallery, Izmir.

2000- Group Painting Exhibition, Communication Art Gallery, İzmir.

2001- Ataturkist Thought Association, one of the artists of the Republic from Izmir

Respect to Ancestor Exhibition, Konak Municipality Art Gallery, Izmir.

2001- TRT First Painting and Ceramic Competition, Ankara-Istanbul-Izmir.

2001- Buca Faculty of Education and Faculty of Fine Arts Group Painting Exhibition, Turkish American Association, İzmir.

2001- Dokuz Eylül University Painting and Sculpture Exhibition,Toyan Art Gallery Ankara

2002- Antalya Painting Competition, Participation *

2004– “This side of life” 8 Artists, Group Exhibition, Private Turkish College İzmir

2004- State Painting Competition. Participation

2004- Respect to Ancestor Group Painting Exhibition – İzmir

2004- İzmir Artists Group Painting Exhibition -İzmir


10. Pınar Süt Children’s Painting Competition, İzmir 1993.

Turgut Pura Foundation Painting Contest for Disabled Children, İzmir 1997.

Tömer “Student Painting Competition, İzmir 2000

ECEV Sculpture Competition 2002


1997 “Contemporary Art and Its Interpretation”, Mazhar Zorlu Art Gallery, İzmir.

1999 “Forcing the Limits of Art in the Context of Art and Environment Relations”, Galatasaraylılar Lokali, 27.02.1999, İzmir. (Presented with Slide)


1994 “Wall Painting Applications in the Context of Reinterpretation of Turkish Motifs”, (Project Manager: Instructor Rasim Özgür), Bolçova Thermal Facilities, İzmir, 1994.